Buying Guide - A Baby Comforter - From The Stork Bespoke Baby

Buying Guide - A Baby Comforter

A baby comforter is undeniably an essential item for many little ones. It's a beloved friend that brings them comfort and security, often referred to as a blankie, a security blanket, soother or given a special name by parents.
This item can prevent tears, tantrums, and sleepless nights for both the child and parents.

The soft and comforting texture of a comforter is a treat for the baby's delicate skin, it helps them feel relaxed and secure during moments of insecurity or anxiety. In fact, studies have shown that babies tend to fall asleep faster and sleep better with a comfort item by their side. - it is not recommended to allow babies under 6 months to sleep with items in their cot

As a result, a comforter is a popular gift idea for new babies or baby showers. However, parents should keep in mind that the quality of the item is crucial.
A personalised comforter can be a unique and thoughtful gift, we offer a free personalisation service to all of our comforters so make that gift extra special with the addition of little ones name.

There are many different brands & style of comforter available and theres certainly one to fit your style & budget - here are a few of our favourites;

Character Comfort blankets:
Peter Rabbit & Flopsy, classic Winnie-the-Pooh & Friends , Paddington Bear & so many more! These lovely comforters are a treat for parents as much as little ones, bringing back memories of old with a timeless design and name. 

Kaloo Bunnies:
While strictly not a comfort 'blanket' this comforter has large ears & different texture materials to make it super special for little ones, in many beautiful tones these are a firm favourite with parents

Giant Comforters:
Why not look for a dual purpose comforter, these giant (70x70cm) comfort blankets can also be used as a pram blanket so when you are out and about little can keep warm, cosy & feel secure with these!

It's vital for parents to hold the comforter during cuddle also times so that little one can associate the smell and feel of the blanket with comfort. This way, the comforter becomes an essential part of little ones routine and provides a sense of security from an early age. It's advisable not to leave the comforter in the cot until the baby is around six months old. This is because newborns have not yet developed the ability to self-regulate and may suffocate on the blanket if left unsupervised.

Our last point in this guide is from a voice of experience - when you find a comforter little ones loves, buy multiple! - don't be caught out loosing one or leaving it at home when you are supposed to be at the pantomime (ask me how i know this!)

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